Hip Osteoarthritis? The unloader hip might be right for you!

It has been estimated that 7.4% of individuals between the ages of 60-90 years old have hip osteoarthritis (Quintana et al 2008). Though the severity of this arthritis can vary from person to person, the disability caused by hip arthritis can be great. Many individuals report not being able to walk, navigate up and down stairs, and not being able to perform many of their favourite recreational activities. The current backlog on surgeries in Canadian hospitals makes alternatives to surgery even more important.

Enter the Ossur Unloader hip. The unloader hip is the only brace of its kind. It is designed to optimize stability and proprioception in the hip allowing the user to improve their ability to complete activities of daily living. Essentially, the brace (with its patented pulley design) helps to reduce hip adduction and internal rotation during gait, which ultimately reduces pain while walking. The brace also improves joint proprioception and aids in stabilizing the low back and sacroiliac joints. The unloader hip can be used not only in mild to moderate hip osteoarthritis, but also in conditions such as femoroacetabular impingement syndrome and labral tears.

Our experts have fitted many people in the Ossur Unloader Hip and have seen first-hand what a difference it can make on their pain and function. We have seen clients nearly brought to tears having not experience such relative pain free function in years. This brace, when fitted properly and when used by the right person, can be an absolute game changer. And the best part is, that the cost of the brace is often covered by extended health benefit plans.

If you are suffering from hip arthritis and would like to know if the Unloader Hip is right for you, the contact one of our Kratos experts today!

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