Ankle Sprains

By Jayke

Ankle sprains, often referred to as “rolling an ankle” is a very common injury and if you have never suffered one, it is likely you know someone who has. An ankle sprain refers to spraining (or stretching) of the ligaments in the ankle. The more common type of ankle sprain occurs to the outside of the ankle known as an inversion ankle sprain, which can occur in multiple ways such as stepping off a curb wrong, jumping and landing on uneven surface, or slipping on ice.

There are varying degrees of severity, ranging from mild to severe. Depending on the degree of sprain, you will likely have varying symptoms. As mentioned previously, ankle sprains are a very common injury and often times they are rehabbed by a professional or heal on their own – however frequently a re-injury occurs due to the ankle not being as stable as before. This is the individual who sprains their ankle time and time again – if this sounds like you, it may be time to get fitted for an ankle brace.

The Formfit Ankle with Speedlace brace may help to reduce your ankle sprains. This brace provides excellent stability and protection for the ankle. More specifically, it keeps the ankle in a neutral position, while restricting provoking movements of the ankle as well as providing joint proprioception for improved control of your ankle during sport and activity. The quick lace design allows for comfort and ease of putting on and taking off, while also easily fits in most shoes. Our experts have fitted many people with the Formfit Ankle with Speedlace, allowing them to confidently return to sport and activity.

Do you need a brace or have any questions about how a brace can help you live your best life? Contact us today: [email protected] 
Our braces are premium quality and we have experts ready to help you find the best brace for your condition. You can even pop into our physical locations in Alliston and Orangeville Ontario. You can meet our friendly staff and get all the information you need! Next time you
need a brace think KRATOS HEALTH!

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