Targeted Treatments for Tennis Elbow and Tendonitis, recommended by our physiotherapists from Alliston and Tottenham physio clinics

If you find effective treatments for tennis elbow in Alliston and Tottenham, Ontario to get relief, knowing your choices can significantly enhance your quality of life. The blog deeply discusses tennis elbow and tendonitis, investigates aimed treatment plans, and...

Ryan’s Road to Boston

When I started running 5 yrs ago (at the tender age of 38!), I really didn’t have any goals nor did I have any idea how big of a part of my life this was about to become.  I had spent many years treating runners as a physiotherapist and often outwardly asked them why...

How Lifestyle and Diet Help Hip Replacement Recovery. Advice from our therapists from Alliston and Tottenham physio clinics

The healing process from hip replacement surgery is a necessary process that requires thinking about many lifestyle components, like the way of living and eating habits. People who live in Alliston & Tottenham, Ontario, can better their recovery after hip...

Case Study: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Active 74 Year Old Male

This South Simcoe Physiotherapy blog post is going to take another look at an actual client  - this time suffering from wrist pain and weakness.  Starting with initial assessment and diagnosis of the patient, we will follow him until he is in the maintenance stage of...


Dull, Aching Shoulder Pain? It Could be Frozen Shoulder

What is Frozen Shoulder? Adhesive capsulitis, also known as frozen shoulder, is a gradual loss of movement in theshoulder joint with associated pain. For starters, let’s go over a little bit of shoulder anatomy. The shoulder joint being the most mobile joint in the...

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What is shockwave therapy and how can it help my pain?

Have you ever been to a physiotherapy clinic and felt like you heard some sort of loud construction equipment down the hall or in the room over? Although that may have been the case, often times it is shockwave therapy that you are hearing! How does shockwave therapy...

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What is acupuncture and how can it help relieve my pain?

What is the History Behind Acupuncture? Acupuncture has been practiced in China for more than 3000 years, where their use of natural healing therapy has gained traction around the world. If you have heard of acupuncture before, you have likely been told or read...

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First things first – what is osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis (OA) is known as a degenerative or a “wear and tear” disease which affects the joints of our body. With OA, the smooth cartilage within a joint begins to break down becoming rough, as well as changes to the...

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