The use of kinesiology tape for the treatment of pain in both athletes and the general population has become common place. The often brightly coloured stretchy tape is difficult to miss when fashioned by your favourite basketball player or an Olympic volleyball player. The question, though, is: is kinesiology tape effective in reducing pain and/or reducing disability in a variety of conditions?

A study by Thelen et al. (2008) demonstrated the kinesiotape when applied properly reduced pain immediately after application in those with rotator cuffimpingement. Unfortunately, the study wasn’t large enough to determine if the taping technique was also effective in reducing disability. A second study looked at the effect of kinesiology tape on low back muscle endurance (Hagen at al. 2015). The study did show a trend towards increased lumbar muscle endurance within the taped group, though once again a larger sample size was needed in order to make definitive conclusions.

The final study that we will discuss in this review was conducted by Anundkumar (2014) which showed a significant improvement in peak quadriceps torque in the taped group when compared to the un-taped group.

Kinesiology tape can be a useful tool when treating a variety of musculoskeletal problems. Like many physiotherapy related treatment techniques, the value of it can be difficult to assess in isolation, but when used in combination with a well-developed and personalized treatment plan,
it can certainly be beneficial.

If you are dealing with an issue and would like to see if kinesiology taping would be beneficial to you, call South Simcoe Physiotherapy and book an assessment with one of our therapists today! (705)-250-6000.

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2008 Jul;38(7):389-95. Epub 2008 May 29.
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2015 Mar;45(3):215-9.

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