Osteoarthritis, a chronic degenerative joint disease, takes an incredible toll on the knees. It often leads to pain and reduced mobility. For many individuals, finding effective solutions becomes paramount, and custom knee braces emerge as a key ally in managing osteoarthritis symptoms. In this article, our team at Kratos Health will explore the best custom knee braces available for osteoarthritis, and discuss the steps necessary to obtain them for yourself anywhere in Canada.

Understanding Osteoarthritis and the Role of Knee Braces
Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of bones wears down over time. The knees, being weight-bearing joints, are particularly susceptible to this condition. As the cartilage deteriorates, individuals may experience pain, swelling, and stiffness, limiting their ability to perform daily activities.
Custom knee braces play a crucial role in managing osteoarthritis by providing support, stability, and compression to the affected knee joint. Unlike off-the-shelf braces (which you can purchase in person at our Alliston and Orangeville locations if that is the solution you are looking for), custom options are specially designed to fit the unique contours of an individual’s knee, offering personalized comfort and targeted support where it is needed most.

Top Custom Knee Brace Manufacturers for Osteoarthritis

  1. Bauerfeind
  • Bauerfeind Medical is a company renowned for their innovative design in custom bracing. Their custom braces provide optimal support to the knee while allowing for a natural range of motion. Their braces include soft knit and hinging models, and their adjustable features cater to individual needs, making this brand an excellent choice for osteoarthritis sufferers.
  1. DonJoy
  • Engineered for durability and stability, DonJoy’s custom knee braces are favored by athletes and individuals with osteoarthritis alike. They utilize carbon composite material in a variety of their braces to ensure robust support. A customized fit ensures maximum comfort during prolonged wear.
  1. Össur (and specifically, the Unloader One)
  • A tried and trusted manufacturer, Össur consistently creates reliable and durable custom knee braces for individuals looking for support. Specifically designed for individuals with osteoarthritis, the Össur Unloader One redistributes pressure away from the affected joint, providing relief from pain and discomfort. Its lightweight design and ergonomic fit make it an excellent option for those seeking a custom solution to alleviate osteoarthritis symptoms.
  1. VQ OrthoCare
  • VQ OrthoCare is a manufacturer that offers a wide variety of custom knee braces- providing you with ample choices for your specific pain requirements. Their braces are highly customizable and address the unique biomechanics of each individual’s knee.

Your choice of manufacturer will ultimately depend on your unique circumstances and budget. Choosing just one can seem an overwhelming task initially, however, our team at Kratos Health can walk you through your options and help you pick the most optimal one!

How to Obtain Custom Knee Braces

  1. Consultation with a Professional
  • The journey to acquiring a custom knee brace begins with a consultation with a bracing professional. Our bracing specialist at Kratos Health in Alliston or Orangeville, Ontario will guide you through a custom fitting and help you choose the custom brace that best suits your needs.
  1. Measurement and Imaging
  • To ensure a precise fit, measurements of the affected knee are taken. Our trained bracing expert will ensure every part of the chosen brace works to support you as optimally as possible.
  1. Custom Design and Fabrication
  • Based on the assessment and measurements, the custom knee brace is designed to provide optimal support and comfort. Advanced technology, such as 3D scanning and computer-aided design, is often employed to create a brace that perfectly matches your anatomy.
  1. Fitting and Adjustment
  • Once the custom knee brace is fabricated and delivered, you will undergo another fitting session with our bracing professional. During this session, any necessary adjustments are made to ensure the brace fits snugly and functions effectively.
  1. Follow-Up Care
  • Ongoing follow-up appointments are essential to monitor the effectiveness of the custom knee brace. Adjustments may be made as needed, and our bracing professional can provide guidance on proper usage and exercises to complement the brace’s benefits.

 Why Kratos Health?
Custom knee braces offer a personalized and effective solution for managing osteoarthritis symptoms in the knees. This can bring tremendous relief to individuals struggling with a very taxing chronic disease. The top choice manufacturers offer a wide variety of models to choose from to find your perfect fit, and our bracing specialists are ready to help you embark on your journey to ease your knee pain.

Contact Kratos Health
Whether you would like to visit us in person at our Alliston and Orangeville locations or contact us online where we service the New Tecumseh and Dufferin County regions and beyond, we can give you expert advice to help you on your journey to pain-free recovery. We work closely with our manufacturers to ensure the models we offer reflect the needs of our customers. Our custom braces are tailored to aid chronic conditions such as knee arthritis, and acute ones like meniscus tears, ligament sprains and tears, and many post-surgical conditions. Our products can conveniently be shipped anywhere in Canada, so Canadians can access our products and services worry-free. We are happy to provide a consultation for individuals who are unsure about what kind of brace would benefit their condition.

You can begin by browsing our website for some standard models from the brands we represent. Contact us to learn whether a custom knee brace is the best option for you!

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