As physiotherapist and bracing specialist with Kratos Health, it is important for me to know, and when possible, try the products that we are selling. I run long distances on a daily basis and have recently added marathon running to my list of hobbies (if you can call it that!). With the winter season upon us, I have continued to run outside. The frigid temperatures and constant pounding on my feet led me to purchasing a couple of pairs of the OS1ST FS4 merino wool plantar fasciitis socks.

Having now gotten to an age where I’ve noticed some circulatory issues in my legs, the medical grade compression was one of the first things that I noticed about this product. Reducing the “pooling” in my feet and ankles has worked wonders in diminishing soreness in my feet after long runs. This improved circulation, and the addition of the merino wool, has kept my feet warm even on days like the recent -20 degree Celsius run I had. Cold feet is something that I often struggle with having Raynaud’s disease which effects the circulation to my toes.

These socks also provide targeted zone compression to reduce the strain on
structures such as the plantar fascia. I do not suffer from plantar fasciitis (knock on wood!), but this targeted compression does make for a comfortable run, and overall has helped in reduce my post run soreness, especially after running 25km+.

One unsuspected benefit of wearing these socks for my daily runs, has been the resolution of my cracked heels. I had recently begun dealing with cracked heels which I believe to be as a result of wearing synthetic materials on my feet previously, along with the cold weather, and sweating. Since starting to wear the merino wool socks, my cracked heels have healed up nicely and no signs of further cracking!

Overall, I’ve been very happy with the purchase of my OS1ST FS4 merino wool plantar fasciitis socks. The medical grade compression has reduced swelling in my feet, zone specific compression has reduced soreness in my feet, the merino wool has improved my cool weather tolerance and reduced heel cracking, and overall the circulatory problems that I experience with Raynaud’s has improved. Pick up your own in store or online @

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