Why should I choose a brace?
What will it do for me? Is it worth the investment?

Before you spend the money on anything, this is a valid question to ask yourself. A brace is not something that you buy everyday and you may be wondering why it’s a good investment. Here is some info to both educate you and hopefully answer your questions!

A brace is a medical device designed carefully to address musculoskeletal issues. Braces help properly align, correct the position, support and stabilize specific parts of your body such as your joints, muscles and bones. This can aid, and even expedite, total healing time.

Braces can be used to hold a fractured bone in place, to limit detrimental ranges of joint motion, and even prevent swelling through compression. They can also be used to facilitate muscle activity, stabilize a weak ligament or let a muscle rest. The uses of orthopaedic bracing are endless.
You should consider a brace for many reasons:

  1. If your medical professional recommended one
  2. If you joints feel unstable
  3. If you have chronic swelling in a joint
  4. If you want to prolong surgery (ex. ACL repair, total joint arthroplasty)
  5. If you are recovering from surgery
  6. If you have chronic pain in an area of your body

If you are unsure whether or not a brace can help you please reach out to us. We are Registered Physiotherapists with a vast knowledge of orthopaedic bracing. We would be happy to talk with you and don’t worry- we would NOT recommend a brace if you do NOT need one!
Is a brace worth the investment? ABSOLUTELY!

Being able to do the activities you love, live without pain and worry and move the way you were designed to move is PRICELESS. You can’t put a price tag on health. If you have extended health coverage there is a good chance your brace will be covered.
Call them to find out! Need help with this? Call us! 
The key is investing in the RIGHT brace.

That is why Kratos Health is here- to help you purchase the brace that is perfect for your body and condition! All of the braces we carry are the best quality and are backed by scientific research and evidence. We have the expertise to ensure you are getting what YOU need.

Overall- braces were designed to help you when you need it the most. It is an item that allows you to get back to the activities you love sooner. The right brace can change your life!

Email us today if you have any questions! [email protected]

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