Injured Alliston athletes need more sleep!

Injured Alliston athletes need more sleep!

Most people are well aware of the benefits of sleep.  From improved immune system, to better moods, to better concentration, getting enough sleep is extremely important.  But what effect does sleep have on athletes and injuries?   A study presented at the...
Physiotherapy for pregnancy in Alliston…

Physiotherapy for pregnancy in Alliston…

Low back pain/posterior pelvic pain is a common complaint during and after pregnancy.  It is estimated that approximately 50% of all women suffer from back pain during pregnancy, and 37% of these women will have pain in the months following birth of their child...
Exercise safely Alliston!

Exercise safely Alliston!

I recently started a formal exercise program with Steve Coons, kinesiologist and owner of Thrive Fitness which shares a common space with us at South Simcoe Physiotherapy.  Beginning this exercise program has been a great experience for me.  I am too early in the...
Physiotherapy in Alliston- Does kinesiotape really work?

Physiotherapy in Alliston- Does kinesiotape really work?

One common question that I was asked during the summer Olympics was: “What is with the tape that so many of the athletes were wearing?” The colourful tape that the athletes were wearing is called kinesiotape.  This tape has been around for several years, but is...
Alliston physiotherapist offering IMS

Alliston physiotherapist offering IMS

I have recently returned from a “business” trip to wonderful Vancouver.  Aside from seeing that part of Canada for the first time, I also had the opportunity to complete my certification in IMS (intramuscular stimulation).  After completing the first part...