by R_Shea | Apr 8, 2018 | Blog
I recently stumbled upon a book (almost literally) that would normally be outside of my spectrum of reading, but it nonetheless irked my interest enough to take it home. With a increased emphasis on active/healthy living in my own day-to-day life, the book “The...
by R_Shea | Mar 25, 2018 | Blog
We are looking for a full-time permanent physiotherapist to start July 1st 2018 covering maternity-leave caseload and remaining on permanently. *new grads welcome to apply* South Simcoe Physiotherapy is looking for an ambitious and personable therapist with an...
by R_Shea | Mar 18, 2018 | Blog
As we prepare to begin construction on another 1200 square foot addition to our clinic, we would like to add a neuro-physiotherapist to our ever expanding team! See the posting below: Part-time Neuro-physiotherapist wanted! *new grads welcome to apply* South Simcoe...
by R_Shea | Feb 13, 2018 | Blog
Anybody that knows me (or that has set foot in our clinic) knows that one of my greatest passions in this world is hockey. I have read many books on the sport, including most recently “Game Change” written by NHL legend Ken Dryden. This book is unlike most...
by R_Shea | Jan 5, 2018 | Blog
South Simcoe Physiotherapy would like to welcome Chelsea Burt Holistic Nutritionist to the team! Chelsea will be offering her expertise at South Simcoe Physiotherapy starting February 1st. Chelsea is a graduate of The Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Toronto, and...
by R_Shea | Jan 1, 2018 | Blog
First off, Happy New Year to all! Our never-ending quest to being your one-stop healthcare clinic in Alliston has led to our purchase of an Extracorpreal Shockwave Therapy machine! Shockwave is a non-invasive way to treat many muscular, tendinous, ligamentous, and...