by R_Shea | Dec 11, 2017 | Blog
Untitled Do you suffer from dizziness, lightheadedness , vertigo or balance problems? If so, you are not alone. Recent studies indicate that as many as 35% of Americans over the age of 40 (70 million people) have experienced some form of vestibular dysfunction, and a...
by R_Shea | Nov 19, 2017 | Blog
What’s new at South Simcoe Physio? First, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Kim for her nearly 4 years of service at SSP and wish her luck on her new business venture. We will miss her smiling face at the front desk. On that note, we welcome Christine to...
by R_Shea | Oct 31, 2017 | Blog
This latest blog was written by one of our physios, Maria Gayevski PT. One common question that we get from patients is: Should I be applying heat or ice to my injury? Although the research in this area can be contradictory, here are some good rules of thumb to...
by R_Shea | Oct 14, 2017 | Blog
Many people credit the concussion that Sidney Crosby suffered against the Washington Capitals back in January of 2011 as the catalyst for increased concussion research, though the collection of information on these potentially devastating injuries dates back much...
by R_Shea | Sep 24, 2017 | Blog
It’s hard to imagine that the fall season is upon us, but soon you’ll be raking leaves, cutting back your gardens, and putting away the patio furniture (if you haven’t already done so). Here are three tips to get you through these activities safely:...
by R_Shea | Jul 16, 2017 | Blog
As the summer seems to fly by (and not too much sunshine to speak of!), here’s an update of what has been keeping us busy at the clinic: Lindsay gave birth to a healthy baby girl and is enjoying her time off with her girls and husband. No doubt she is anxiously...