Physiotherapy in Alliston:  Painful shoulder?  We can help!

Physiotherapy in Alliston: Painful shoulder? We can help!

A few weeks back I had the opportunity to spend a weekend in Guelph learning from renowned Australian physiotherapist and shoulder specialist Lyn Watson (  Despite having to battle what appears to be one of our last...
Physiotherapy Alliston; Job shadowing for a day!

Physiotherapy Alliston; Job shadowing for a day!

Last week afforded me a unique opportunity; a colleague of mine, Jen Bladon, organized a job shadow at Newmarket’s Southlake Regional Health Care Centre. Jen Bladon is a registered physiotherapist who works at Southlake Regional Health Care Centre as well as at York...
Alliston’s Manual Therapy/Physiotherapy Headquarters!

Alliston’s Manual Therapy/Physiotherapy Headquarters!

December has been a busy month for the three physiotherapists at South Simcoe Physiotherapy, with all 3 of our therapists working to improve their manual therapy skills in order to continue to provide the highest level of care for all of our patients. First off, we...