Physiotherapy Alliston; The Shoulder!

Physiotherapy Alliston; The Shoulder!

Upon completing a course on the Mulligan method a couple of weeks ago, I also had an opportunity to learn from perhaps the best known shoulder specialist in physiotherapy; Lyn Watson.   Lyn is a physiotherapist from Australia where she has the opportunity to work...
Alliston Physiotherapy; The Mulligan Method

Alliston Physiotherapy; The Mulligan Method

Last weekend I had the opportunity to partake in a great educational opportunity right near home at Canadian Forces Base Borden.  Thanks to Captain Georgette Mink who organized the event, several physiotherapists (the majority whom were military), had the opportunity...
Physiotherapy Alliston; Can’t sleep at night?

Physiotherapy Alliston; Can’t sleep at night?

Having difficulty sleeping can be extremely frustrating.  Insomnia can affect many things including blood pressure, symptoms of depression, pain tolerance, general health and much more.  Reports indicate that 30-40% of people report symptoms of insomnia within a given...
Physiotherapy:  Alliston shovels out!  Tips to avoid injury.

Physiotherapy: Alliston shovels out! Tips to avoid injury.

After a couple of days of solid snow, everyone around Alliston is remembering what winter is supposed to be like.  If you are like me, you spent a good deal of time shovelling the driveway and walkways yesterday and perhaps found some muscles that you forgot you had. ...
Video game rehabilitation?

Video game rehabilitation?

I often have conversations with parents who are concerned that their children are wasting their lives playing video games all day and night.  Certainly, the popularity of video games has increased over recent years and more kids appear to be spending extended periods...
Does your new years resolution require physiotherapy?

Does your new years resolution require physiotherapy?

It’s the time of year when people start making resolutions to get fit and to get healthy.  I’m not sure why it takes a new year for people to make these decisions, but if that’s what it takes, then who am I to judge?   When starting a new...