by R_Shea | Jan 28, 2021 | Blog
As we head into the doldrums of winter, some of us are starting to ramp up our running in preparation for our next (virtual) event. Here are some common mistakes that lead to the vast majority of running injuries that I see in the clinic: Increasing your...
by R_Shea | Dec 1, 2020 | Blog
Most of us know how important it is to keep ourselves physically active, and all the benefits that come along with regular exercise (reduced stress, improved cardiovascular and muscular health, etc.). The one thing that most of us forget about is the importance of...
by R_Shea | Oct 9, 2020 | Blog
Now I realize that my last formal blog was also about my running, so if you don’t want to hear about it again, I apologize! Running is something that I have become very passionate about, and is a way for me to focus my energy. What started as I way to try to reduce my...
by R_Shea | May 19, 2020 | Blog
If you had asked me as recently as two-and-a-half years ago what I thought about running, my response would’ve likely been something to the effect of “I only run if I’m being chased”. But for reasons largely unbeknownst to me, all of that changed about 2 years...
by R_Shea | Oct 7, 2019 | Blog
This blog was written by Divya Sebastian Registered Physiotherapist and Dry Needle provider! At our clinic, we are often asked questions about Dry Needling. Some common questions that we encounter are: “Does it hurt? What does it really do? Is it the same as...
by R_Shea | Jul 8, 2019 | Blog
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy: IT CAN HELP! Pelvic floor dysfunction is a common problem that many people experience. In Canada, 1 in every 4 women, and 1 in every 9 men experience urinary incontinence. In Canada, up to 75% of women experience pelvic organ prolapse, with...